Blah, blah, blah

So, obviously, July has not been a big month for book releases as evident by no book posts this week.

As busy as April and May were for new releases and tours, coupled with prepping for ICRS in June, it has been nice to catch up on the items of my to-do list that kept being pushed down the line. My email inbox is remarkably empty as I tend to things as they come. However, I know there are also things I need to get ready for upcoming releases, but I digress.

This is one of those periods of time that prove just how boring my life is with no idle chatter to fill each day's post. The girls don't have any sporting events going on right now, so there's nothing to post about there either.

This week has been a bit different. My grandmother had surgery Wednesday, and I took her sister up to visit her today, so that's two days that I have been away from the house.

Thankfully, everything went well and evidently smooth. The most eventful thing of yesterday was when I scared myself half to death changing lanes. I looked in the mirror. I looked over my shoulder like I always do. I had my signal on, but as I start to easy over, I realize there is a car in the other lane that either sped up in that lane or came around me as I was about to change lanes. I swerved back in my lane, had a very dramatic moment of straightening up, and thankfully no one was on my right. It shook me up for the day and made me wonder if I would have rolled my old car. My aunt was very calm for the whole thing, but I was a basket case. Everyone was safe and sound outside of the scary moment.

One can only hope something fun and exciting can happen soon... for my own entertainment and yours.
