It's three weeks until Christmas, but I'm almost done.

I'm slowly moving from replenishing merchandise to working on special orders for Christmas. But not before spending way more time than I anticipated on new Christmas trees. I needed a few for this weekend and next. One more event before Christmas!

I took hurried pictures from my phone of them, and the pictures, I realized later, turned out terrible. It doesn't do the blue tree justice. Long story on why we ended up with a blue one. I guess it isn't too long... someone mentioned wanting a coastal Christmas tree, but never got back to us about it. I was going to put palm trees and jelly fish on one anyway, but I haven't had time to paint all the special pieces. Then, Mom was going to have me fix one that color for her aunt in assisted living, but someone else already got her a mini tree.

I'm running out of some of my supplies so it took forever to fix some of the small ornaments to put on them. I'm ready to contemplate something different for the spring. With having a booth in a shop, we have more opportunities. Of course, come May, I'll be trying to build up for Christmas again.
