How much information is too much information?
Author of Hope After Betrayal
Meg Wilson watched her world fall apart when her husband
confessed to years of sexual addiction. She has intimate knowledge of the
devastation that follows--and she has come through the other side.
In her groundbreaking Hope
After Betrayal, Meg provides reassuring counsel, compassionate insight, and
wise direction. By sharing her story, talking to other women who've been in a
similar situation, and turning to Scripture, Wilson has helped countless
readers through the steps to recovery--and shows how you can follow that same
path out of the darkness.
This newly revised and expanded edition includes new lessons
Meg has learned over the last decade. A compelling final chapter by Meg's
husband sheds further light on the difficult road to healing from sexual
addiction, and a thoughtful new appendix addresses the effect sexual addiction
has on children in the home.
Q: Hope After
Betrayal originally
released more than 10 years ago. What has been updated and revised in this new
In the original book lessons and tools
were written through three fictional characters. Readers walked with Tammy,
Stephanie, and Renee and watched their various reactions and choices play out.
In the new edition, I have added a Fourth voice, Dee Dee, with an ethnic feel
so more women find themselves in the pages. She was added after I lead a group
primarily of women of color. I realized although the pain is the same, and the
tools still apply, there was a cultural element missing. These precious women
helped me get Dee Dee’s voice right, and she enters in chapter one when she
discovers her husband’s sexual betrayal. A woman shows up at her door carrying
her baby, fathered by Dee Dee’s husband.
In addition, I
have continued to walk with women while committing to be a lifelong learner.
Over ten years ministering, reading, and connecting to experts and counselors
in this area I have gleaned a lot of new information. I wanted to pass this new
perspective on to the next generation of women seeking help.
Q: How long was it after your husband’s
disclosure of his betrayal that you first wrote Hope After
Betrayal? Now, ten years down the road, what do
you know now about the process of healing that you didn’t know then?
Writing the book began about two years after
my husband’s final disclosure. He had opened the door a couple of years prior
with a partial confession, but I glossed over it with denial and an unhealthy
outlook. The actual process of writing the book, editing, and re-writing turned
out to be in important part of my own healing journey. Writing the book took
three years, but the healing process would take much longer. Ten years later, I
now see healing is an ongoing life time process. After at least 5 years, Dave
and I moved away from sexual addiction (SA) issues, but there are plenty of
lies to uncover and lessons from the Lord in general to keep us busy for the
rest of our lives.
I’m trying to think, “What is the first
step when your whole world blows up?” Literally, you would be unconscious, then
wake up in some hospital. Then you would follow the doctor’s orders until you
regained some strength. The same is true when it is an emotional explosion. I
was in shock for weeks, then I reached out for any and every resource I could
find. Dave and I each had a counselor, were in respective groups, read lots of
books, and set up a spiritual care team based on the book, Restoring the
Fallen by Earl and Sandy Wilson (no relation). All
those choices would then lead us to the first steps once we had the strength to
take them.
Q: Why is there such great power in
transparency? When is the right time to air our dirty laundry?
Caution also applies to information shared as everyone doesn’t deserve
to know every detail. Dirty laundry needs to be aired, but only in the right
environment. There is far too much “sharing” online in a public forum with too
many tentacles to manage. Safe people keep
private information private and save important discussions for face-to-face or
one-to-one forums. Social media offers a false sense of connection that leaves
most people feeling isolated and injured. Better to have one close safe friend
than 10 million likes.
Q: How important is it to find a support
group to help you on your journey to healing? How can churches better provide a
support system for their members?
There is a reason God warns about not
giving up meeting together. We are injured in community, and we heal in
community. Support groups are a great place to air your dirty laundry with
others who understand and have the same issues.
Since as Christians we are the church, we
need to value and model vulnerability and transparency. When our flaws are made
known, it gives other permission to allow their flaws to be in the light. Only
then can God address the sin that brought us to Him in the first place. Christ
is the standard of perfection, not because we can attain it, but to show us
each day how much we need Him. We make far better examples when we are honest
about who we were when God found us. We should point others to the Christ who
changes everything, instead our pointing out our successes. Every good thing in
my life is because of Christ, and anything still needing work is evidence of my
humanity yet under grace.
Q: What responsibilities does a wife have
in her husband’s recovery?
A wife has zero responsibility for her
husband’s choices, healing, or recovery. However, she is 100% responsible for
her own choices and responses. After an explosion occurs the rubble must be
sorted and removed. In the beginning, both parties are seeking the Lord on
their own, leaving the other to do the same. Once the debris is removed and it’s
clear that both parties want to re-build, then they can begin working together.
However, to start trying to re-build before the rubble is removed is futile.
When the responsibilities of each individual get blurred, it slows down and
complicates the healing process. In the beginning, they should be accountable
to wise counselors, not each other. They should check in, but neither one has
the strength to help the other.
Q: What do you mean by learning to live
in freedom rather than fear?
Freedom comes when we can hold two
opposites at the same time. The world is broken and scary, and God is good and
faithful to use everything for good. The first half alone is true, but it
brings only fear. The second half by itself is also true but without the first
part is simply denial. Holding both in faith brings freedom. We must fight to
stay in this place for there are always forces picking on us one way or the
other. It’s about staying as close to the Lord and the truth as possible.
Learn more about Meg Wilson at
You can also find her on Facebook (@habministries) and Twitter (@HopeAfterBetray).