For the athletes and coaches out there - WisdomWalks Sports
You Walking Onto
the Field a Winner?
Authors Share 40 Game-Changing
Principles for Athletes,
Coaches & Teams
The platform of sports is arguably
the largest and most influential platform for making a difference in the
world—a language that transcends gender, race, age and even nationality. In
fact, even the Bible compares the life of an athlete to the life of a
Christian. Fellowship of Christian Athletes veterans Dan Britton and Jimmy Page
use this universal language to help athletes better understand their position
on God’s team in their latest release, WisdomWalks
Sports: 40 Game-Changing Principles for Athletes, Coaches & Teams (Summerside Press/ISBN: 978-1609366841/$14.99).
Britton and Page’s
new release follows the same winning formula as their previous release, Wisdom
Walks. Both books serve as a real-life guide for walking purposefully with God
and living a life of significance each of us was created for. WisdomWalks
Sports was written with athletes, coaches and teams in mind, sharing 40
game-changing principles. It is a training tool for an unstoppable faith that
packs a punch in the gym, in the locker room, at home and in all of life’s
relationships. The goal is to walk daily with Christ, on and off the field,
much like his disciples did. In doing so, your walk will become an example for
teammates and spectators alike.
Each WisdomWalks
Sports chapter features a key life principle, inspirational quote, scripture,
and an in-the-trenches sports story with a life application. In addition,
there’s a “Be a GameChanger!” section, room to write “My GamePlan” and a
transforming prayer. “WisdomWalks Sports is a tool to energize and transform
your life as an athlete, coach or teammate,” writes Britton. “We believe when
competitors are transformed, they will transform the way sports are coached,
played and even watched. It’s our vision to see the world of sports redeemed
for Christ.”
Readers will discover strategies to assemble
their own “Dream Team” - the right kinds of people to have in their lives, a
combination of four different kinds of relationships.
“As athletes and
coaches, when you live intentionally, maximize relationships and pass the
torch, you become difference makers. You grow increasingly passionate about
life and excited about relationships, and your desire to understand and know
God is amped up. You realize your faith isn’t something you leave on the
sidelines. You are a player, not a fan!” explains Page.
Among the 40
game-changing principles that Britton and Page expand on in WisdomWalks
Sports are:
We do the training; God does the changing.
Faith overcomes fear.
Humility unlocks greatness in others.
Character is formed in the fire.
Excuses lead to failure.
Depend on Him to shut down sin.
Prayer unleashes God’s power.
God loves spiritual sweat.
Becoming more like Jesus is winning.
If you want to be great, serve everybody.
To find out more about becoming a Wisdom-Walker, visit or become a fan on Facebook.
Advance Praise
an athlete and coach, I can tell you the team is all about relationships. This
book is a great blend of mentoring, maturing and managing your life for
~Tony Dungy, Super Bowl-winning NFL head coach, sports
analyst, and New York Times best-selling author
game plan for anyone who wants to grow in Christ, written by men who have done
just that!
~ Kyle Rote Jr., 2010
Soccer Hall of Fame, ESPN’s “Greatest All-Around Athlete” of All Time, national
commentator for CBS, PBS, and USA Cable
you’re in the locker room, the board room, or the living room, if you’re
intentional about walking like Jesus, you will influence people. ‘WisdomWalks’
gives you a winning game plan to invest biblical truth in the lives of others.”
~ Matt Stover, twenty-year
NFL player for the Baltimore Ravens, Indianapolis Colts, Cleveland Browns, and
New York Giants
great resource for parents, coaches and anyone who cares about kids and their
~ Les Steckel, president/CEO of the Fellowship of Christian
Athletes and twenty-two-year NFL coach
very useful, practical field guide based upon forty biblical principles that
get one to ‘true north.’ Packed with practical wisdom and eternal truths.”
~ Tom Osborne, athletic
director of the University of Nebraska, former twenty-five-year head coach of
the Huskers, and author of More Than Winning
About the Authors
