Are you under any Glamorous Illusions?
interview with Lisa T. Bergren,
Author of Glamorous
person often identifies themself by their family, profession, or circumstances.
However, as Christians, what would happen if we began to better understand our
true identity in Christ? It is this spiritual journey that author Bergren
guides readers through in Glamorous Illusions.
Why do you think it is so difficult for us as Christians to remember our first,
true identity?
We’re so absorbed in how our contemporary culture identifies us—by
looks, career, family, wealth, faith—that we forget that our primary identity
is a child of God. That no matter where we work or what we accomplish, no
matter what happens and who is in our life (or isn’t), our core identity makes
us valuable, treasured, cherished,
forgiven, free and mighty. We are
stronger than we could ever believe, through him, here to do his good work. But
we buy in to the false identities our world gives us—which leaves us feeling
consistently weak and wanting and wimpy.

Before you begin a new series, how much time do you devote to research of a
time period or location?
I like to be reading and researching a good six months before I
begin writing. Research gives me context, as well as potential plot points to
Q: Why do you think “Downtown Abbey” is so hot among the
American audience? How does your Grand Tour series relate to that craze?
At its core, I think “Downtown Abbey” is a story about community,
made up of many different personalities. There are two subsets to that
community, obviously, between the servants and their wealthy employers. But
those two circles intersect and they’re really all one. And many of their
issues are the same—the quest to face sins and errors of the past, seek
forgiveness, rise in status (or put it in its proper place), and find true
love. These are all themes that relate
to us in America, regardless of where and how we live. They’re universal
themes. And they appear in my book too. Add to that the European settings and I
think it’s inevitable that there will be some comparisons.
At one time, a world tour was a popular custom for young adults in Europe as a
part of their education. Do you think young adults today would benefit from
travel and seeing what other cultures are like?
I’m a huge champion for world travel for all. Given our current
economic woes, that dream feels pretty distant for many Americans, but you can
catch a glimpse of other culture, right here in the US too. Sometimes it only
takes a day’s drive to feel something “foreign.” Sometimes it’s only an hour
away! But the point is this—we get so absorbed in our little microcosm of life
that we begin to think that our world is like everyone else’s. Or we have a
hard time caring for anyone outside of our little bubble. Exploration, outside
The Bubble, helps us identify differences and commonalities among all of God’s
people, and sows seeds of understanding and grace.
They all have principal vices and sins that they are struggling
with. Pride, greed, lust, laziness, anger… I like that at first, Cora uses
those sins to dismiss each of them. She uses them as a sort of barrier that she
can justify. But as they travel together, she finds she herself struggles with
a measure of each of those sins too. She is not immune. She is not perfect. And
discovering that allows her to extend grace to each of them, which also
encourages growth and healing.
Q: As
an author, you have written books in several different genres, including
children’s books. What has drawn you to historical women's fiction in your past
few series?
I love that it provides such a rich backdrop to my story. It
immediately feels like my tale has more depth and intrigue with a historical
tapestry behind it. In this time period, the world is on the brink of so
much—World War I, the right to vote for women, Prohibition—but at that moment,
it’s rather innocent. Full of hope and promise, but with whispers of warning in
the air that change was coming…
Learn more about the author and
her books at
Illusions by Lisa T.
David C Cook ~ June 1, 2012 ~
ISBN: 978-1-4347-6430-0