My week in pictures

I actually passed over the city limits of Corsicana twice this week. Once to meet up with an author at a TV interview, and tonight to meet Rakia to talk about our upcoming vacation.

I went to Starbuck's twice. Tonight just because I could. One Coconut Mocha and one Salted Caramel Mocha (without the salt because they didn't have it). They better have the salt in Seattle. (And my dash is always dusty like it blows up through the vents.)

Peyton was over here part of Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Here she is in front of one of the sunflower fields I saw on the way back Monday.

And here she is when she got bored and took a nap on the couch on Thursday.

I saw this field on the way to Dallas and stopped on the way back to get a picture. The flowers were as big as my head and over 5' from ground to top.

This was a larger field, but had smaller flowers. This is the one I took Peyton to see.


Thomas said…
Happy Birthday!