My to be read pile is getting ridiculous

Between everything going on lately, I've really not read much, but my to be read pile is growing by leaps and bounds.

Now that softball and VBS are over, maybe I can get back in the groove. I've been saying I was going to read all weekend for weeks, and I haven't. Seriously, maybe this weekend.

Two on my list that I have promised to review:

The next two on my list... I even bought these.:

Plus I have a stack more. However, I have hard copies of all these books above, and I'm not taking hard copies on my vacation because I'm not going to back them. I'm taking my Kindle and while I do have some books in paperback and e-book (thanks to work!), I don't have these.

My mom took off the week that we didn't get to go on vacation because she needed to take off time anyway. In the last two weeks, she's read at least 4 books. She keeps telling me, "I finished this..." or "I finished that..." I am strangely jealous. And she sure isn't going to write reviews on anything for me to keep content up on my blog.

However, a book on my Kindle that I think I am reading while I am gone in a few weeks...

My boss Amy said that the little girl in the book made her think of me. She pictured a little me when reading. I have to read it just to see what thinks I was like as a child. I usually read in the car when I am not driving, but with Paige and Peyton in the car this time, I'm not holding my breath.

What's on your "to be read" list?
