I still haven't found what I'm looking for
Now that I have things rolling with new publicity projects and prospects, after my workday, I need to focus my work nights on the craft room. We have four events coming up in a few weeks and I need to work on some things.
Besides, this room is looking like a hoarder workshop.
Besides, this room is looking like a hoarder workshop.
After finally painting some stems on cotton bolls, I moved on to lettering ampersands. Except I couldn't find two that Dad had recently painted. I called Mom to see if they happened to still be over at their house. She said nothing was in their office and that she remembered bringing them in and setting them on the island. Well, after going through the craft room numerous times, they were not there. I looked through all of the piles.
I thought I had gotten stuff in and out of the back of my car more recently than I had. I was wrong. They were there. My mom was also wrong because I picked them up at her house. She did not bring them over to mine. ;)
I also found two cut books that need to be boxed up with all the others in the trailer. Except each needs to go in a specific box. Whoops.
So, what all of that means is... get ready for more crafty posts!