There's something about Baltimore

Tonight's blog is going to be short and sweet because I've not been able to watch the Rangers much this week. We started off at the softball fields during a big win Monday (followed by an uncooperative DVR that wouldn't let me change channels) and because of the same DVR reasoning, I missed all four of Josh Hamilton's home runs. I was sure following on my phone app though.

Historically, there have been some big games for the Rangers in Baltimore with high scores. After all the history surrounding Hamilton's four home runs on Tuesday, I've been ready to watch today. I even turned my TV around to face my hall so I can sort of watch the double header today from my desk.


I'm really watching through a crack in the door because of where my desk is. The home run history went opposite of the Rangers' way last game. Really Colby Lewis? Three straight home runs in the 1st inning, 18 straight outs, then two more home runs. For shame!

Now, the second game has started and Hamilton had another two run home run. Had that happened last game, we would have won! No mojo that last game Hammie. No mojo.

I hope you hit five in this game (as unlikely as that is), but you could have done something last game. Anything.

OK. Baseball rant is over.
