Holidays should not fall on Wednesdays

I know that everyone on Facebook agrees with me, but vacations should not fall on Wednesdays. On one hand, it made today seem like Monday all over again, but on the flip side, it also felt like a Friday. For what reason, I have no idea.

I'm just thrown of whack.

In addition to the holiday, I have the summer time "don't want to's". I don't want to do anything, but need to do a lot of things, especially since I'll be taking time off soon.

Tonight, I would have put in a couple of extra hours, but I went walking at 5, then picked up something to eat, got home and decided there was no way I was going to want to do anything else work-related now that I am home. So, I think I'm going finish my latest crochet project instead.

I'm getting really close to finishing it off, and it may be one of my favorite finished projects ever. I'll post pictures in the next day or two. My goal is to finish it before I leave town, so I can ship it off before the birth of the baby it is for. That and once I get back, I'll only have a couple of weeks to get ready for VBS at church and I feel behind on it too. 

Instead of being productive, I pulled up a video on YouTube to post on my blog tonight. I also need to work on scheduling posts for my time away since I haven't missed a day thus far this year. Man, I need to do a lot of things.

Anyone else have a major case of the don't want to's?

This is from the New York Mary Poppins show that I'll be seeing not in New York in a couple of weeks. It's going to be fun.
