Bringing Technology to Churches

Introducing a Ministry Opportunity Too Important to Miss
Unifyer brings latest technology to churches of any size and budget

There was a time when “technology” was a commodity reserved for the elite. Decades ago, for instance, the first computers were much too large and expensive to belong to an ordinary person. Very rich people actually had phones (giant phones) in their cars. Fast forward to today: the ever-evolving, ever-shrinking cell phone has become an essential part of normal life. Your grandma has not only mastered the art of forwarding funny emails, she’s sending flair to all her social networking friends. Clearly, technology is for everyone, and it’s here to stay.

In response to the pervasive influence of the internet, many churches have responded by doing…nothing. There are several reasons for this. Some churches feel they don’t have the personnel or expertise in place to incorporate new technology effectively. For others, the potential cost is a prohibitive factor. Regardless of the reason, the decision to forgo the use of new technologies results in missed opportunities for evangelism, fellowship, and service.

Now there is a powerful new web-based application that customizes all the best features of Web 2.0 (i.e., social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook) to accommodate the church as a community. Unifyer allows churches to deliver important information to church members easily, quickly, and efficiently. It’s also a place where individual church ministries can communicate with their participants and with each other. Church members can read news feeds for each individual ministry, post comments and blog entries, and even post video. With Unifyer, churches of any size and budget can experience the benefits of the leading edge of technology—all at a cost of only forty cents per user per year.

Since its official launch in the summer of 2008, Unifyer has been used by churches to accomplish everything from replacing the weekly bulletin to coordinating a community service weekend involving twenty different ministries. Unifyer has inspired the creation of all kinds of groups—impromptu book discussions, a cross-generational garage sale adventure, and a member-led ministry for teenagers struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. Because it incorporates technology that people are already familiar with outside the church, Unifyer is incredibly user-friendly, with users ranging in age from ten years old to eighty years young.

Churches across America are discovering the exciting, Kingdom building possibilities that new technology offers. Will yours be next?

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